Thursday, July 4, 2013

Persiapan Pertunangan Part 8

fuh...!!!part 8...sedar x sedar....lepas pegi beli perfume lepak mcd jap minum air milo...sementara tggu bakal en.tunang balik...die da blik i pegi maluri station...he pickup me kat sane...then lepak kedai mapley minum kopi ais...perrgghhh....segar gile...sedap...sementare tu tnjuk perfume kat die...mmm...nasib baik die xkesah but i know die xsuke sgt...but he jage my heart ni sweet...tibe2 he said ape lagi brang yg x beli i said kasut handbag kain pasang and alquran(but i rase nk beli buku agama sekali but i depends la klu ade budget beli..)....he ask nak kasut ape...i reply i nak kaaut biase2 je...kasut vincci je...handbag pun vincci je la...bayar air then g aeon jusco maluri near by our place...sane ade vincci...test dan teat...he tunjuk me this shoe it wedges plus jeans...i selalu suke ape yg di suggest...n i akan pkai ape yg die suke...cantik di mate die cantik la i di depan die...hahaha...ceewwwaahhh....because of that i choose him...

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